1037 Budapest, Mátyáshegyi út 43. E-MAIL How to get there?
Our services are based on a very personal relationship between your family and your family doctor. There is a huge difference between having a real family doctor who is responsible for all your medical needs and problems, and having a phone number for a big clinic where you will be seeing the doctor who happens to be in that part of that day.
One of the few sentences I remember the exact circumstances of hearing during my university studies was quoted by Prof. Andras Pinter from some old book. It said: common diseases are common, rare diseases are rare. The truth of this quotation gives me the right to offer my services for any ache or dysfunction. If it is a common problem I will probably be able to help, if it is a rare one, I may have to look for a specialist for you. (This will be a rare occasion.) The specialist to be consulted will be someone I have known for a long time, whose professionalism I can guarantee.
If the specialist needed is a pediatrician or an ear, nose, throat doctor, I will be the one. Also if a pediatric ear, nose, throat specialist is needed.
Being a general practitioner, a pediatrician and an ent specialist one will be able to care for a huge majority of medical situations and problems. Especially with a medical experience of over 35 years.
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